Tuesday, November 14, 2023


New idea came to my mind lately - a digital nude calendar with mature men!

I don't want to make just a simple nude calendar, I'd like to create something more aesthetic and since I love men in elegant clothes, so this will be the main theme.


I'd like to make it in two versions:

1. SAFE - implied nudity, covered

2. EXPLICIT - full frontal nudity

So what is about? Here are the rules:

Mature men wearing pieces of elegant clothing - it would be perfect if you'd wear at least shoes and long black socks. The rest is on you - you can wear, shirt, vest, tie, garters, bowtie, kilt, alternatively you can wear underwear for the safe version.

For both version you should stay bottomless
- safe - cover you penis with an item, piece of clothing, making a pose - you can show your ass
- explicit - you can show everyting, but please no erection, "exposure poses" or  vulgar gesture. I don't want to make it porn.

It's very important, please send photos in original size,  clear and sharp with good light. Remember - no backlight! The source of light should be set in front of you, not behind!

Photos should be taken inside, in an aesthetic scenery - cosy living room, nice bedroom, fireplace, sofa, office or just an empty wall or courtain. Please don't take the photos in the bathroom or as a mirror selfie. Whole body pics are the best.

You can send multiple photos, I can make a selection by myself, so more pics=more choice to get into the calendar. It would be perfect if you will send photos for both 2 versions.
If you make a bigger series, I can use it as a post on my blog, just tell me if I can. 

Send your photos to: 


The message should be tittled "CALENDAR 2024" and contain at least your first name, age and and 3 preffered months in order from most desirable to least.

Deadline is on 17. December. After that date I will make a selection of the best pics that I will use for my calendar. Remember that it will be just adigital veriosn  - pdf or jpg. I'm not going to print it.
 If I get a lot of pictures, I can make more then one for each version. I also consider making a gallery with all the pics, even with those not chosen. It all depends on interest and the number of applications.

Do you have any questsions? Feel free to ask!
Below you can find some examples of phtos for each version (credits daddiesbyeze)



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